Shazam fans! And DC fans! Go visit the pop experience booth at the Mega A of SM Megamall and enjoy photo op booths and experience booth at the Shazam! Fury of the Gods movie set up.
The exhibit will run from March 11 up to March 15 and the exhibit is open for all ages.
Here’s the Shazam! Pop experience booth that you can try yourself
1. Scream Meter - shout Shazam and the machine will show you if you are an effective superhero to be the Shazam
2. Shazam! Green screen booth - Face the camera and shout Shazam! And you’ll see yourself on the monitor to transform into a super hero, you can send the video to your email and use it in your social media
3. Photo op with the dragon and Shazam
4. Shazam character standees
5. Shazam movie Funko Pop in exhibit and for sale.
Here are some photos from the pop experience booth
Shazam poster
The gods
Prince De Guzman and friends in Shazam cosplay!
Ribbon cutting
Wonder twins power activate ????
Shazam Funko pop!
The scream o meter!
And this is my fave!!! The green screen booth
Shout Shazam!
To turn into Shazam!!! Wow!
Watch my sample video here -
Shazam meets the media people
Toycon PH and Warner Bros Ph. meet up finally!
And my concept of turning this selfie into a comicbook cover!
Dont miss the movie Shazam! Fury of the Gods, set to show in PH Cinema this March 15, 2023.
Tara lets watch it!